234 research outputs found

    Adversarial-Playground: A Visualization Suite Showing How Adversarial Examples Fool Deep Learning

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    Recent studies have shown that attackers can force deep learning models to misclassify so-called "adversarial examples": maliciously generated images formed by making imperceptible modifications to pixel values. With growing interest in deep learning for security applications, it is important for security experts and users of machine learning to recognize how learning systems may be attacked. Due to the complex nature of deep learning, it is challenging to understand how deep models can be fooled by adversarial examples. Thus, we present a web-based visualization tool, Adversarial-Playground, to demonstrate the efficacy of common adversarial methods against a convolutional neural network (CNN) system. Adversarial-Playground is educational, modular and interactive. (1) It enables non-experts to compare examples visually and to understand why an adversarial example can fool a CNN-based image classifier. (2) It can help security experts explore more vulnerability of deep learning as a software module. (3) Building an interactive visualization is challenging in this domain due to the large feature space of image classification (generating adversarial examples is slow in general and visualizing images are costly). Through multiple novel design choices, our tool can provide fast and accurate responses to user requests. Empirically, we find that our client-server division strategy reduced the response time by an average of 1.5 seconds per sample. Our other innovation, a faster variant of JSMA evasion algorithm, empirically performed twice as fast as JSMA and yet maintains a comparable evasion rate. Project source code and data from our experiments available at: https://github.com/QData/AdversarialDNN-PlaygroundComment: 5 pages. {I.2.6}{Artificial Intelligence} ; {K.6.5}{Management of Computing and Information Systems}{Security and Protection}. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0176

    Ontology Driven Web Extraction from Semi-structured and Unstructured Data for B2B Market Analysis

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    The Market Blended Insight project1 has the objective of improving the UK business to business marketing performance using the semantic web technologies. In this project, we are implementing an ontology driven web extraction and translation framework to supplement our backend triple store of UK companies, people and geographical information. It deals with both the semi-structured data and the unstructured text on the web, to annotate and then translate the extracted data according to the backend schema

    Gophers: socially oriented pervasive gaming

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    Gophers is an open-ended gaming environment which relies on location data, user generated content and player interactions to shape gameplay. It seeks to investigate social collaboration within localised and distributed gaming communities, the potential of pervasive gaming as a technique to collect useful data about the physical world and additionally, use of novel peer-judging methods to allow self-governing of the game world. In this paper, we introduce the game in its current state and provide an overview of early test results

    Scalability of Genetic Programming and Probabilistic Incremental Program Evolution

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    This paper discusses scalability of standard genetic programming (GP) and the probabilistic incremental program evolution (PIPE). To investigate the need for both effective mixing and linkage learning, two test problems are considered: ORDER problem, which is rather easy for any recombination-based GP, and TRAP or the deceptive trap problem, which requires the algorithm to learn interactions among subsets of terminals. The scalability results show that both GP and PIPE scale up polynomially with problem size on the simple ORDER problem, but they both scale up exponentially on the deceptive problem. This indicates that while standard recombination is sufficient when no interactions need to be considered, for some problems linkage learning is necessary. These results are in agreement with the lessons learned in the domain of binary-string genetic algorithms (GAs). Furthermore, the paper investigates the effects of introducing utnnecessary and irrelevant primitives on the performance of GP and PIPE.Comment: Submitted to GECCO-200

    A hybrid model for capturing implicit spatial knowledge

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    This paper proposes a machine learning-based approach for capturing rules embedded in users’ movement paths while navigating in Virtual Environments (VEs). It is argued that this methodology and the set of navigational rules which it provides should be regarded as a starting point for designing adaptive VEs able to provide navigation support. This is a major contribution of this work, given that the up-to-date adaptivity for navigable VEs has been primarily delivered through the manipulation of navigational cues with little reference to the user model of navigation
